I read pretty much any chance I get. I mostly read YA books but some adult ones as well. To me all books are precious gems and are meant to be treasured.

Friday, August 19, 2011

TGIF and Weekly Recap (9):

TGIF is hosted by Ginger at Greads. It's about recapping on what we posted for the week, and also asking our readers a book related question. The question posted by Ginger today is?

Sorry this is so late guys. I was at a awesome Library book sale this morning, and then my internet wasn't working.

The Reviews We Don't Write: Have you ever read a book, and not wanted to review it? Are some books to personal that we want to keep our thoughts our own?

So far there hasn't been to many books like that for me. The past couple of years my life has been filled with a lot of drama, so I choose to read books that take me out of the real world. However, since I have started this blog there are a lot of new books and genres I have been made aware of, and I am looking forward to reading those books. I will pick one book that was harder to review, and that was Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. I absolutely loved the book, and I did review it, but I didn't harp on the religious side to much. I would have liked to, but I know religion is a touchy subject with many people. I just want to say that this book really made my faith stronger, and helped me to understand the true meaning of God's love, but I couldn't go into that to much because it is more on the personal side.


  1. Must check out the Beastly review when I'm not trying to comment from my freaking phone!!! ;)

  2. I loved Redeeming Love, it was a very powerful book..:)

    I know what you mean about the faith stuff, if I get to personal I lose followers, its a very touchy issue...

    As for Never Let Me Go- Its about these 3 kids who grew up in an England boarding school who are raised in an environment that keeps them super healthy and educated. Then when their adults they go through what they were schooled for......

    Its a heartbreaking and haunting book about the value of life.

  3. That was an awesome answer. I find I have a hard time reviewing books for ones I love. Like I don't feel I can do them justice.

  4. hmm i may need to check out redeeming love!! thanks Laura
